Optical motion analysis of athletes

  • Base
  • Optical motion analysis of athletes
Advanced technologies are used to analyze athlete motion patterns. The system of optical control was created to provide biomechanics specialists with high technology tools to accurately and easily analyze athletes’ running and jumping. An analysis of athlete motion in space in combination with the force of contact with support, registration of the myography help in discovering changes in athlete movements. An investigation is carried out using 12+2 video cameras, force plates and wireless electromyography. The system can prepare the following protocols for athletes:
-protocols for run analysis with a treadmill,
-protocols for jump analysis,
-protocol of augmented reality for force analysis,
-stabilometrical analysis.
The software is compatible with any model of Qualisys cameras and assures quick and accurate collection of data. The system is designed to make 2D, 3D and 6DOF real-time captures with minimum delays. QTM meets the needs of both the most demanding and less experienced users in a wide scope of application: from medical sciences to pedagogical research. Perfect integration and synchronization with force plates and EMG devices, as well as real-time streaming transmission to the software of other manufacturers for additional analysis make the QTM software a serious instrument for analysis. QTM was developed around a set of advanced motion capture algorithms that provide high efficiency, accuracy and low latency.

  • Run analysis

    At our institute, running techniques are analyzed through an optical system. This system is able to cover any movement with high accuracy. We are in favor of a comprehensive approach to running, so the analysis considers the activities of the whole organism. After biomechanical analysis, the visual model is transformed into a graphical report, which contains a number of key parameters for ideal running techniques such as pelvic rotation, knee angle, leg flexion, and ground contact. The report also includes a training program to strengthen certain muscles and stature, which will help improve running technique.
    Motion Capture technology studies are ideal for a wide range of sports supplements in rehabilitation, physical education and practice. Physical limitations and exercise optimization are of great interest to athletes, coaches, researchers, and physicians. Coverage of actions tells us about the mechanisms of trauma and their prevention allows you to learn more. It can also be used to improve an athlete's technique to achieve better results in various sports. Accurate and reliable technology that provides high quality real-time optical coverage of movements and their future digital processing in 3D-modeling and animation programs. Biomechanics, clinical and experimental medicine, is very effective in biology. Manufactured by Qualisys AB (Sweden), the system consists of a set of high-speed special cameras, stationary and mobile camera placement tools, markers and calibration systems, as well as powerful special software, which is precisely configured according to the user's tasks. The unique flexibility and portability of the system allows the equipment to be easily installed and transported to any sports facility. Completely objective, quantitative data play angles, acceleration, moments, force, deformations, body condition, balance and other parameters can be obtained by calculation.
     DESCRIPTION OF THE PROTOCOL: Both sides of the patient's skin are secured with adhesive tape at certain anatomical reference points and in accordance with the relevant protocols. Infrared cameras record the movement of markers in space: As a result, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the movement of each segment of the body is recorded. The obtained data is then processed with special software and a report is prepared. The report is thoroughly analyzed by qualified specialists, based on which a medical opinion is drawn up, a diagnosis is made and adequate medical and pedagogical recommendations are given.

  • Jump analysis

    Jumping technique is analyzed with the Qualisys optical system. Several types of jumping are considered: running jump, sideways jump, backward jump, standing jump, jump from a platform with landing to a lower level, jump over a bar. Force vectors arising at the moment of jumping off are analyzed; therefore, there is a possibility to evaluate the head start and force characteristics of muscles participating in the jump. High accuracy of motion capture makes it possible to determine the rise of the centre of gravity of the athlete and the physical height over the point of jumping off. When analyzing we consider the functioning of the whole organism and a visual model turns into a graphic report with a number of key parameters for an ideal jumping technique such as rotation of the hips, participation of the pectoral arch, knee angle, ankle flexion and contact with the ground that will help improve the jumping technique and make the landing safe. The system produced by Qualisys AB (Sweden)is flexibly configurable according to the user tasks and contains a set of high-speed specialized cameras, facilities for fixed and mobile positioning of cameras, marker and calibration systems as well as powerful specialized software. The unique flexibility and portability of the system make it possible to install the equipment easily and transport it to any sports venue. Fully unbiased, quantitative data can be received to calculate joint angles, acceleration, moments, force, flexibility, deformations, body position, balance and other parameters.
    PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION: Using self-adhesive tape, spherical reflective markers are fixed in some anatomic fixed points on the patient’s skin according to the relevant protocols. Infrared cameras record the movement of the markers in space: as a result, three-dimensional reconstruction of the movement of every segment of the body is recorded. The received data is processed by special software and a report is made. The report is analyzed thoroughly by qualified specialists, a medical and trainer opinion is given; a diagnosis is made and adequate medical and pedagogic recommendations are given.