The musculoskeletal system of man is a single complex consisting of bones, joints, muscles and their nerve derivatives, which provide the body's support and movement in space, as well as the movement of individual parts and organs of the body (head, limbs, etc.). . This complex is constantly subjected to huge loads. In case of disease and damage to any part of the musculoskeletal system, the dynamics and statics of the whole organism are disturbed, and often the work of internal organs is also disturbed.
Musculoskeletal disorders are second only to cardiovascular disease in prevalence. Most people have joint or spinal problems. Meanwhile, in recent decades, these diseases are more common in young people. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle: we walk less, spend most of our time at the computer and do not do sports. But because excessive physical activity is also harmful to health can result in trauma.
Treatment of musculoskeletal disorders is a set of measures selected individually for each case. Today, drugs are widely used in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. For treatment to be effective, the patient must follow a prescribed regimen and follow a special diet. Also, various physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed. Therapeutic gymnastics also shows its results when it is necessary to improve the mobility of damaged joints. Over the years, methods such as drug electrophoresis, galvanization, electrostimulation, ultrasound therapy, and magnetic therapy have proven themselves.
Carrying out all this in a complex way will allow you to quickly restore the functions of joints, muscles and ligaments. For any information you are interested in, you can contact the reception by calling 404-83-10 / 11. We look forward to answering any of your questions and we will be glad to write you to the reception of our specialists.
Recovery during joint endoprosthesis
As the name suggests ("endo" - from Greek "internal", prosthesis - "change" translates as "reconstruction"), - is the replacement of an element of the joint with the help of implants. Surgery is performed on large joints (knee, pelvis, thigh, shoulder, elbow joints) and endoprosthesis on small joints (finger joints). The main diseases of the joints, where endoprosthesis is performed:
Oma, aseptic necrosis of the head of the humerus;
Degenerative-dystrophic arthritis and osteoarthritis;
Dysplastic arthrosis;
Bexterev's disease;
Rheumatoid arthritis;
Improperly connected intra-articular fractures;
Posttraumatic osteoarthritis;
Omani neck fracture (in adults), Omani neck misalignment.
Complications for our recovery of patients after joint prosthesis, as well as for incomplete, incorrect or delayed recovery We have a great and successful experience in the treatment.
Basic principles of recovery after endoprosthesis:
To prevent the development of secondary muscular dystrophy, early initiation of rehabilitation measures (if the patient's general condition allows) from the first days after the operation.
Rehabilitation should begin at the surgical hospital and continue at the rehabilitation facility. At the end of hospitalization, patients and their families should be actively involved in the recovery process (especially in the afternoon and on weekends to complete "homework").
The recovery forecast is determined in many respects by the accuracy and integrity of the implementation of rehabilitation measures. Recovery phases:
Zero phase of recovery (exercises performed immediately after surgery, on the day of surgery). These exercises are necessary to improve blood circulation in the legs and prevent the formation of blood clots (thrombi). Needed to strengthen muscles and improve movements in the pelvic-thigh joint.
The first phase of recovery: "serious care" (1-4 days after surgery).
The second phase of recovery: "deceptive opportunities" (5-21 days after surgery).
The third phase of recovery: "the beginning of work" (4-8 weeks after surgery).
The fourth phase of recovery: "full recovery" (9-14 weeks after surgery).
Orthopedic inserts
Our institute uses American technology of making Amphitheater, individual orthopedic inserts, which has the following undeniable advantages:
Universality. You can choose the material of the padding for any age (individual orthopedic padding for adults and children), the type of shoe (from sneakers to model shoes), as well as the material of therapeutic, prophylactic and sports padding.
Preparation of orthopedic inserts with the participation of the patient, directly with the help of 3D-scanning technologies. After a couple of visits the patient returns home with the ready-made stuffing.
Such a technique allows you to achieve maximum fit of the stuffing to the patient's foot - "smart" material, which reads almost all the information about the structure of your paw (not only at rest, but also during their movement).
Gentle adjusting effect Orthopedic pads, produced with the latest technology, minimize the feeling of discomfort at the beginning of wearing.
The high cushioning properties will protect the joints, spine and internal organs from vibrations during walking and running. Clinical studies have shown that the use of individual orthopedic inserts made of modern materials has the ability to reduce the intensity of back pain during radiculitis by 20% and stop the development of osteochondrosis.
Optimal load distribution, which allows you to minimize the force per claw. For this reason, modern individual orthopedic inserts, heel spurs, diabetic paws, It is indispensable in the treatment of varicose veins and other pathologies of the vessels of the lower extremities.
Individual orthopedic inserts made in our institute do not break (the average service life of an orthosis is more than 1 year) and are extremely comfortable (without any problems, easily placed from one pair of shoes to another pair of shoes).