Stress tests

Sports cardiology studies positive and negative changes that arise in the circulatory system under the influence of intense physical exertion of different degrees and solves questions of diagnosis, treatment, treatment and prevention of complications. В содержание спортивной кардиологии входит исследование сердечно-сосудистой системы инструментальными методами исследования, определение выносливости и уровня физической подготовки спортсменов посредством проведения специальных тестов, позволяющих одновременно наблюдать изменения в сердечно-сосудистой, дыхательной и лактатной системах, изучение тренированного сердца.

Diagnostic possibilities:
Echocardiography with load (bicycle ergometer);
daily ECG and AD monitoring;
cardio stress test on a treadmill and bicycle ergometer;
ergospirometry (monitoring of the functions of external respiration) with determination of the level of physical training and endurance.
screening cardiorespiratory examination of athletes.
In the laboratory of stress tests PW2 study, spiroergometric tests with the participation of different groups of muscles, the value of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds by methods of analysis of external respiration, test results are carried out.

Ergospirometry is a non-invasive method of diagnosis that allows you to check the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, gas exchange, which occurs between cells and the surrounding environment, to assess the impact of external influences. The time spent on this method of diagnosis is quite short, does not provide discomfort to the athlete and does not require preliminary training. The combination of ECG with ergospirometry is an assessment of cardiac and pulmonary function during a single test. This informativeness of this combined test is significantly higher than the isolated stress test, and allows you to get the results of measurements in real time.

 Climatic room

 Climatic room is an important element of research and non-drug action on individual aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. With its help it is possible to conduct stress tests and training of the athlete in special climatic or extreme natural conditions.
 The room allows modeling:
 • high-oxygen climate in terms of oxygen concentration;
 • changes in temperature regime from minus to high plus values;
 • changes in humidity, changes in temperature regime in a wide range;
 • hypoxic-hypercapnic conditions of training.